The Worst of All

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. – 1 Timothy 1:15b

This word was written by Paul, who considered himself the worst of all sinners. He instrumented series of threats on Christians, obtained court approvals & put any Christians he could find into prisons. He even approved death sentences. He virtually ran an ancient day holocaust to eliminate Christians, passionately doing it as a legalized career of eliminating religion upheaval, which called the Way. However, he met his match through Jesus. The Way, which coincidently is also the truth and the life, changed Paul forever. He was turned from being a zealous persecutor to a zealous believer & apostle of Jesus Christ.

I heard this numerous times in church, hard nut makes good peanut butter.  Not that I subscribe to it literally. As a joke, yes, but hard nut does not necessarily make good peanut butter. Sorry, pastor. Some hard nuts can turn up pretty bad too. I believe we would need nuts that are fresh, with nice aromas, harvest at the right time and blended and worked up well with the right ingredients to produce good peanut butter.

Anyway, the peanut butter phrase literally means that anyone can be changed for the better no matter how hard & difficult the person can be. Like Paul, we need the right ingredients. Paul was first transformed by Jesus. Later, he was orchestrated to meet Philip and was nurtured by the disciples. He was turned from being the worse sinner into the mighty apostle and brought the gospel far and wide that impacted many lives. Without Paul, the gospel would not be where it is today. The world would look pretty different without Paul.

In today’s context, Paul is like most of us who work countless hour with our hearts out, doing something zealously, or perhaps mundanely boring, not knowing where it’ll lead us. We may even be doing something which we should not be doing. And, we can be a hard nut in our own capacity, and never realize how far and wide we can go. But the good news is, like Paul, we can be transformed to touch hearts, change lives and impact the world. Wow, big words!

I am no Paul. And surely, I am not Jesus Christ. Like everyone, I never and would never want to think so big, to the extend of changing the world. Nobody knows the future. As the Chinese saying, let the sky decide can be quite true. But the real truth is, it is God that plans for everyone. Everyone in the season of his or her life will encounter life changing experiences, personal revelation. To Paul, myself and many, those life changing experiences somehow begin with Jesus.

Seriously, if we take a bit of our time to ponder and look back, I am sure that everyone of us would have an encounter with Jesus, directly or indirectly.

I woke up one day realizing how useless and how bad I am in many ways. Seeking for relieves, I was orchestrated to meet people I never knew existed. Some say, extinct. Ordinary people who are so humble, living surrendered live, yet so rich whether in their spiritual, mental, physical and even material wealth. They cared, taught, served, ministered and even helped in many ways to support me. They exhibit a bit of Jesus in them, and carry light that shines on mountain that cannot be hidden. Transparent and life impacting. It made me wonder why I am where I am. And in desperation, it launched me into a course of soul searching and self realization that brings me to believe that I am nothing without a God.

By embracing what they are believing, I have gone to places where I never know I could go to, spiritually, mentally, physically and even material wealth. It was life changing. A journey well spent. I believe, it would be for everyone. Guaranteed.

Well, Paul said that he is the worst of all sinners. I won’t settle for number two. I am not that bad. I don’t believe God would even rank us. All I can say is that, I am glad that I am saved.

Love & Submission

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. ~ Ephesians 5:25-28

The bible teaches the men to love our wives, like how we loves ourselves. Husbands are asked to sacrifice, care, protect and lead their wives. Like how Christ loves the church, we are to present our wives perfect, holy and blameless. The responsibility is on the men themselves. As for the wives, they are to submit to their husbands. And by the way, one husband, one wife, ya.

The word love & submit is emphasized separately for men & women respectively. Hence, it is likely that men would find it difficult to love, while wives would find it difficult to submit to their spouses. Without doing each others’ part, there would bound to be conflicts.

Last night sharing at CG brought this topic to light. My CG members are a bunch of spices. Many questions came into my mind. It reminded me whether I love my wife, to sacrifice, care, protect and lead her in every way. Have I put my love into other areas? Did I score any point lately, or perhaps for the pass years, doing anything to reinforce our relationship. Have I put this important subject into auto-cruise, or allowing our kids filled our intimate space or consumed by my work, hobbies, etc. etc. etc. Did I chuck her aside and only look for her when I need her? Has she become my personal assistant, a nanny to my kids, rather than my beloved wife?

I shared the same verse to my sister much earlier this week. They had a minor argument which I find related to trust, respect and submission. They have reconciled, and prayerfully permanently. But then again, although our problems are different, the question that we need to answer is what should we do to overcome or even improve our relationship?

The bible is very clear, i.e. to love and to submit. Out of this, we build trust, respect, care, protect, to lead, and may I add, to spice, all in the name of reinforcing our relationship.

When we started our relationship, we put in a lot of effort in courting. We sacrificed effort, money, gifts, our loves and even our time with our friends and families to just be with our spouse. We were willing to give in to anything. We want to build a life together. We have to continue this courtship. To find ways to enhance our love & to submit to each others, to build trust and respect, and to be a roll model to our kids. We need to be patience, understanding, trust, believe, honor… all those that we want to do for ourselves. But the most important element I believe we need is to set God as the pillar in our relationship. Without Him, how can our relationship starts? And how can it end, with a high note?

The bible indeed provides the source and the basis for enhancing our relationship. It builds our foundation. Our responsibility is to build on it.

So, isn’t our spouse worth it?

Best Decisions Made

Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.” Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. – James 4:13,14

We would not know what would happen in the next hour. What more, tomorrow or next week. And hence, how can we make good decision?

To me, the best decision we can all make is to decide base on the Lord’s will. But, this is easier said then done. Most of the time, we rather do our own things and in our own ways rather than having a third party to interfere with our plans. We want to get it done and over with, fast, our way. Meanwhile, there is another category of people who doubt this God will thingy and discern that if everyone knows His will, everyone would be God and everyone would be prosperous and successful.  There would be no problem in this world. To me, the answer is simple. Because, we never ask, or if we do ask, we never do what God discerns us to do (James 4:2,3). If we do do all these, there would surely be no problem in this world.

Meanwhile, for some of us, we are either lost or not knowing what His will is. Decision making with God can be a dilema for many. Not really.

From these passages, I could find some simple steps to discern God’s will. This is how I do it.

Firstly, always ask God first. Pray.

Secondly, discern whether what we do would bring peace and would not break His heart. James 3:18 says Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness. Do not give in to sudden urge of decision. Take a step back to think. Let Him speak to us in our heart whether what we are deciding would bring peace in us. Just be patience because God will make all things beautiful in His time. If there is no peace, back down. If there is, move on.

Thirdly, if there is neither peace or discord sown, we can still take a step of faith and ask God for His blessing to move forward.

Forthly, bring God along the way. He is delighted to go alongside us. Decision making with God is a journey and a partnership.

Fifthly, an important one. Praise God, and give thanks in all circumstances and whatever the outcome would be. It will be good.

I have come to learn that prayers, patience and practices, make perfect. Having good councellors too can help in our decision make.

Seeking His will is actually easy but can be uncomfortable. However, the outcome is always good & rewarding, irregardless. Doing His will is the first decision that we all need to make, and agree. The rest will follow.

To me, the best decisions made yet are still those that He wills.

Take Pride

The brother in his humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position. But the one who is rich should take pride in his low position, because he will pass away like a wild flower. For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way, the rich will fade away even while he goes about his business – James 1:9-11

Whether we are successful or not, rich or poor, beautiful or ugly; we should take pride. It does not mean that we are boasting or being thankful that we are poor, ugly or unsuccessful. No. The word take pride means feel proud of. For e.g., feeling proud of our son. What these verses mean is that, in spite of the circumstances, we feel proud and thankful. God will make everything beautiful in its time (ref.Ecc 3:11). So, as a father, irregardless of who or what my son is, I should feel proud of him.

God does not want us to only feel proud when we are on the plateau of our career but also to feel proud when we are at the deepest ravine of our life. He does not want us to grumble and curse away when we are down and out. He wants us to persevere on to praise Him and be thankful even when we are in the pit. He does not want us to only praises Him when everything is fine and dandy. He wants us to worship and feel proud that in spite of all the circumstances, He will bring everything to pass.

We are worshipping a God who is far greater than our circumstances. Even if the mountain falls, the sea covers the land, He will help us to overcome. We should consider it pure joy that whenever we face trials of any kind, the testing of our faith will develops perseverance (James 1:1). We should rejoice because difficulties produce in us not just perseverance but character and hope (Roman 5:3,4). And hope never fails.

So, even if we are in living a humble,  average life, we should feel proud. And if we are rich, hallelujah and be proud, even if we are in our deepest pit.

Let’s take pride wherever we are.